It is with great pleasure that we avail ourselves of this opportunity of introducing to members of the magical fraternity and public generally, Selbit. The gentleman whose portrait appears below.
Although but 21 years of age, he has made a study of magic in all its branches, and has for several years, been before the public as an entertainer of no ordinary merit, as is evidenced by the many flattering press notices and testimonials of which he is the possessor.
We have had the pleasure of witnessing at close quarters in the office of Magic, at the hands of Selbit, many clever feats that have arisen from the invention of the Back Hand Palm with cards, and have no hesitation in saying that we have not seen a better exposition of this branch of the Magic Art.
Making a speciality of Sleight of Hand which he presents in a very pleasing manner, and not altogether ignoring apparatus, a fault which many present day performers cultivate to the loss of all that is spectacular in their show, it causes us no astonishment to find that his entertainments are so highly appreciated.
Being endowed with the qualities so necessary for success, we have no hesitation in predicting a brilliant future for this talented magician, and the best wishes or MAGIC are with him.